Before I die...

Before i die. 
i wish that i can donate some part of my blood. 
so at least my blood could enter your heart. 
stay there. 

where i couldn't. 

Thank you God. for remind me of her. 
every seconds of my life.

About Me..

Just wondering how long this body could survive. From a crack to a complete destruction. The skin could be seen made from steel but when it comes to the bone structure, completely made from a fragile glass that easily broken anytime. Just by one touch and its broken to pieces. The need of survive is no longer encourage me, no longer enlighten me. I ever survive but what happen next is worse than before, the load is getting heavier than before. I cheer after i win my first battle but then came another battle and its always like that, you win from one thing and it wouldn’t stop until ….i don’t know, maybe until we come to our end. I’m crying … out loud..


I wanted to save you from all pain in the world, I wanted to protect you from all the pain that other people could bring you and I just wanted to give you a very good life, It is what you deserve after all the good things you have done for me and because of that I love you and I wanted to be the best for you, but the best was not enough even tough I tried it so hard I promised that I would always look out for you, that I would care for you and trust you in every way, I wanted to give you what everybody wants to have, I wanted to give you protection, happiness, a listening ear, fun, smiles and most of all love The life we had for a while was like a movie, it was a beautiful fairytale, something like Shrek A beautiful princess in a castle far far away waiting to be rescued by a prince but she got saved by someone she didn't expect, the only difference is that they are together after all In the end of every movie, the hero get's the girl... I can't be that hero, I don't save anyone even tough I rescued multiple persons already, I saved them.. Who will save me?


1. Membantu program Pemerintah dalam mengurangi jumlah penduduk indonesia.

2. Ikut berperan aktif dalam menyibukkan petugas pemadam kebakaran

3. Membantu suksesnya program KB ,, karna dapat menyebabkan gangguan kehamilan nd janin

4. Asapnya bisa mengusir nyamuk,, sekaligus istri,, anak n tmn" ..

5. Membantu meningkatkan produksi obat batuk

6. Membantu silahturahmi n Bersahabat dengan Dokter Spesialis Jantung,, Paru" n Kanker

7. Menambah penghasilan Tukang gali KUBUR.

8. Menambah Penghasilan Klinik, Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit.

Sebarkan ke Tmn² Pria nd wanita agar Lebih Giat Lªğ[̲̅̅I̲̅] Merokok =D

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